Sunday, October 4, 2015

Friendly Pranks

Friends are close, they have fun together, and they can get on each other's nerves. Some things that friends do together are hang out, going places together, such as a football game, a sports game, a concert, or some other place. Sometimes friends do the same sports, so they are together during that sport. Or even during an activity, like speech or show choir. However, outside of those activities, friends are always doing something together it seems. Whether it being a road trip, playing games, having a bonfire, having a grill out, or even a grill out, friends tend to be together. They get into a good relationship, and they can sometimes razz each other. One way that friends razz each other is via pranks.
However, when pranking, friends must be smart. They need to remember not to do anything illegal, harmful, or anything too bad that can be taken the wrong way. Also, only do pranks to good enough friends that can take it with a laugh and will have a good time with it. I know a few friends who did a prank to someone who took it the wrong way. Long story short, only prank your friends. Some fun prank ideas to do towards your friends are to TP their house, shrink wrap their car, ding dong ditch them, write on their windows with a marker made for that, and there are so many more things to do. Always remember though, while all of that is very fun, do not do anything dangerous, illegal, or harmful, and you will have a great time!

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