Sunday, April 10, 2016

Illegal Alien Debate

On April 3rd, 2016, the United States Congress passed a legislation which covered the topic of how to refer to illegal aliens. In the past, Congress has referred to them by means of calling them illegal aliens. However, after a group of illegal aliens fought Congress on the term, Congress voted to then no longer use said term; the term undocumented citizens is to be used instead. This has begged a question that has been argued all across America for the following week after the legislation was passed: with their absence or rights due to no citizenship, should illegal aliens be able to influence government policy in America?
                On April 3rd, 2016, newspapers across America, such as the Cedar Rapids Gazette, announced the passed legislation. While it has not been a front page headliner, it has caused a bit of a stir across the nation. With the change of wording from illegal aliens to undocumented citizens in Congress, American citizens have started to question how policy gets changed in their nation.
                The topic was brought up to Congress by an illegal alien. The illegal alien, a young women currently attending a college in America, brought up to Congress how the term illegal alien was a derogatory and offensive term. This then got attention from other illegal aliens in America, who all stated that the term illegal aliens was offensive towards them. They lobbied for Congress to change the policy, and ultimately won as Congress passed the legislation on April 3rd.
                This, however, caused quite an outrage from American citizens. Also shown in various sources of news, depictions of citizens protesting the legislation around the nation. Protests out in the streets were common. Signs were used by many of the protestors. They all wanted to voice their opinion about how this legislation should not have been passed. They brought up much evidence to help their viewpoint.
                The Constitution is the law of the land in America, as it is called. The Constitution was written by the founding fathers, and it is what all the laws in America is based upon. Congress, when passing legislation, must make sure it is constitutional. The Supreme Court makes sure that laws are constitutional when they are disputed either in lawsuits or when someone broke the law.
                Many people think that the term illegal aliens should not be used as it is offensive to those who are illegal aliens in America. As stated in the Constitution, one citizens cannot excersize his or her rights in order to take away the rights of another citizen. This leads those to believe that the term, illegal aliens, should therefore not be put to use. However, if the Constitution were to be read carefully, then they would notice that the Constitution refers to citizens and the rights that the citizens of America have. If a person is illegally living in America, what gives them the right to be able to gain the rights of the currently legal citizens of America? By doing so shows that the Constitution has no power over the land with the current interpretation, with that interpretation being it belongs and maintains order for America and America alone. Via this interpretation, the Constitution should refer to all of the world; America, however, is not the world’s police. Therefore, even if the illegal aliens believe that the term illegal aliens takes away their rights by means of it being offensive, they have no right nor any power to be able to change American policy.
                However, that is not what happened. The Constitution was interpreted in order to have it to try and maintain order for everyone everywhere, not just in America and not just American citizens. Via this passing of legislation, Congress has declared that even if someone currently living in America is not an American citizen and is here illegally, therefore breaking the law, which is a crime, they still have just as many rights as those legal American citizens have. That interpretation from Congress has a multitiude of flaws, as it could lead to worldy conflicts due to America attempting to be the world police. Therefore, as a person illegally occupying a territory within a nation they are not a citizen of, they should not be granted the same rights as legal citizens of that nation and therefore should not be granted the power to influence policy.


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