Sunday, April 10, 2016

2016-2017 SMART lunch

SMART LUNCH backstory, a blog post I posted a while ago, was posted. It presents the backstory for background information about SMART LUNCH at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids in Iowa in the United States of America. Well, if you have not read that blog then I either suggest you go read it or familiarize yourself with the concept of SMART Lunch and how it is used at Kennedy High School and what occurs during it. Well, here goes with this blog post in regards of SMART Lunch.

Before I get into the meat of SMART Lunch, what does it stand for? SMART Lunch is an acronym, so the s and the m and the a and the r and the t all mean something. The l and the u and the n and the c and the h do not, however, stand for something like all the letters in SMART; it just stands for lunch, as it occurs during lunch. Well, it is a great question to ask someone who knows. I am not the person who knows. Well, here goes.

Anyways, next year the Cedar Rapids Community School District, or the CRCSD, is changing things for high schools. For example, every Friday will be a half day. Also, no more zero hour academic classes; the only zero hour classes will be those of physical education, such as performance pe. However, all the high schools in the district will be doing the same thing. This means that all the schools need to be on the same schedule. Currently, the only school that uses SMART lunch is Kennedy High School. This spells trouble, as it points toward Kennedy loosing Smart Lunch. However, there may be one good thing to come out of it.

There is a class offered at Kenneyd High School. It is a social studies class, and it is AP Psychology. It is helping the debate over SMART lunch this year. It has taken a survey of high school students attending Kennedy High School and how they think smart lunch is doing. They answered questions such as what they do during smart lunch, what they think should be added, wheteher or not it is helpful, and other questions along those lines.

The overall question is whether or not Kennedy will keep SMART Lunch for this next upcoming school year of 2016-2017. However, the question will not be answered until next school year.


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