Thursday, November 19, 2015


Entertainment. The definition of entertainment, according to Dictionary Reference is a noun and it is “the act of entertaining; agreeable occupation for the mind; diversion; amusement”. It is also “something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, especially a performance of some kind;” or “hospitable provision for the needs and wants of guests;” ”a divertingly adventurous, comic, or picaresque novel.” Yet another definition is “maintenance in service.” The definition of entertaining, used in the first definition and the most popular and most common definition, is “to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably; divert; amuse.” Or “To have as a guest; provide food, lodging, etc., for; show hospitality to.” Or “To admit into the mind; consider.” Or “To hold in the mind; harbor; cherish.” Or “to maintain or keep up.” Or “To give admittance or reception to; receive.” Arguably, the first definition of both entertainment as well as entertaining are the ones that apply most often to us. I am going to talk about that here today in this here blog.

Entertainment is very entertaining for people, and they enjoy their entertainment and they enjoy being entertained. There are a lot of ways to be entertained. I have already talked about a great many in previous blogs. Some are movies. There are many movies out there. There are comedies, which make you laugh, and some people are very much entertained by that. There are also action movies. Some people are entertained with watching that. There are thriller movies, which entertain even more people. There are also horror movies, which will scare people, and some people find that very entertaining. There are also dramas, which some people find entertaining, as well as romance movies. Science fiction and fantasy movies also entertain many people. Some people very much enjoy documentaries, about something that really happened or something informative. Other people like sports movies. There are many movies out there that are very entertaining, and different people find different movies entertaining.

Books also entertain people. There are generally the same genres for books, but there are arguably more book genres than there are movie genres. There are mysteries, horrors, comedies, suspenseful books, adventure books, young adult books, adult fiction books, children books, and there are a lot of nonfiction books. Nonfiction books cover a wide array of topics. Actually, there is probably a nonfiction book or any type of book for that matter covering any topic that you could think of. Think of something-think of anything. Anything at all. Odds are very, extremely high that there is some book written about it. All you would have to do is locate and find the book, and then find a way to get it into your possession. Whether that is buying the book or renting it from a library or borrowing it from someone is entirely up to you. All in all, books offer a wide array of topics from which they can be about and from which they can inform of, giving many different aspects to which they can be very entertaining for some people while not entertaining at all for others. All in all, books are a great source of entertainment, as they will entertain you by giving you either an engaging story for fiction books or an engaging topic for nonfiction books, and they will stretch your brain and help you learn and get smarter by reading more and comprehending what it is that you are reading. So, go get a book and entertain yourself by reading!


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